What the Canadian Government is NOT telling us about the TRUE cost of the F-35 Strike Fighters
http://communities.canada.com/ottawacitizen/blogs/defencewatch/archive/2011/02/21/no-reason-for-canada-to-rush-into-f-35-joint-strike-fighter-purchase-says-u-s-defence-analyst.aspx--What they will cost, what Canada will get for that money, and whether we should be wating. There are a lot of unknowns.
This program is a particular sore point for me because I'm in the aerospace industry and have followed that project for many, many years. Everything Harper says is complete BS. Yes, Canada participated in the US competitive bid process between Boeing and Lockheed, as did a number of other countries. At the time is was done to gain access to detailed technical information on the two experimental aircraft during development as well as to get Canadian suppliers in the door participating in the project. But, that was a bid process for the US military to select an aircraft to proceed into development for THEIR air force, navy and marine corps and receive substantial US department of defense $$$. It was NOT a competitive bid process to look at any other country's air force needs for fighters. Other countries that participated in the program in the 1990's have since pulled out and gone other directions such as the Boeing Super Hornet for cost and operability reasons. We did NOT commit to purchasing these airplanes in the 1990's under the liberal government. It was part of the complex defense industry machine and gaining Canadian companies an opportunity to be involved. Now, as is usually the case, the program costs and associated per aircraft costs are escalating. Does the Canadian Air Force really need these aircraft? Would something else be suitable but less costly? We wouldn't know as it hasn't been openly tendered!