Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Milton Hospital Expansion

Most people know that Milton is still the fastest growing community in Canada. And there are probably only a few who aren't aware that the Milton District Hospital is under-served, under-funded, and too small to serve a community which now sits at 90,000.

Despite awareness programs and a petition to the provincial government whose job it is to fund hospitals, we have yet to see any funds come to Milton for hospital expansion.

The province's share of hospital capital costs is 90%, conditional upon the hospital's commitment to the other 10% plus 100% of costs for beds and equipment. Millions and millions of dollars.

A motion came to the May council meeting asking town staff to look for alternative ways to fund the necessary funding shortfall. That report is due at the June 28 council meeting.

I look forward to hearing what my fellow councillors and the public have to say but initial feedback from the community on this matter is concerning me.

Milton Hospital doesn't serve Miltonians exclusively. Some people are referred from Halton Hills, some from Oakville, some from outlying areas.

Given that hospital care is provided regionally through Halton Healthcare Services, any proposed surtax should also be regional in nature. It stands to reason that the matter should be dealt with by Halton Regional Council rather than Milton Council.

This is a matter for which I will push hard at Regional Council when I am elected Regional Councillor this fall.

Let me know your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. The only problem with that is that if people in Oakville and Burlington are asked to help fund Milton's hospital, then people in Milton could be asked to help fund the new Oakville hospital or the Joseph Brant expansion.
