Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It begins at Home

This is an excellent article from Burlington Mayor, Rick Goldring's blog.  I've copied it here in its entirety.

A good place to start

Many of us have heard the story unfolding in the U.S. election campaign about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney referring to 47 per cent of the U.S. population as receiving some form of social assistance and government entitlements. In a speech to a small group of loyal supporters he commented this group made no contributions to society.

Regardless of who wins the U.S. election, a significant portion of the country will vote for Mitt Romney and his party.

While in Burlington we are not directly affected by the outcome of the American election, and while we are all entitled to our own ideological views, the lack of empathy in this story is a real concern for me. It reflects a lack of compassion that has developed in our society and our own community as well.
The make-up of society is always changing. Changes in our economy and demographic generate much of this change as ebbs and flows create different circumstances. The gap between the wealthiest and the poorest is alarming.

As an example, my generation was able to go to university and fund their education. A summer job could pay tuition and books. Today, most young people do not have the same opportunity. Tuition rates are through the roof and young people borrow tens of thousands of dollars to get the education we desperately need them to acquire to be part of a competitive society.

The province is under tremendous pressure to restructure financially. Healthcare and social services are under pressure. There are significant outstanding liabilities for pensions and infrastructure. If we do not deal with these challenges, we will be passing on to our children a society in worse shape than when it was handed to us, leaving bills to be paid.

On the employment front, we struggle to see the job generation we need. It is difficult to pay off student loans at minimum wage, never mind becoming part of the active economy.

We live in the second best place to live in Canada, according to MoneySense magazine. That does not mean it is the best place for everyone.

Our community continues to have a 9-10 per cent poverty rate. Burlington is faced with the same social challenges as other cities — mental health, addiction, violence against women, gender equity, unemploy- ment, underemployment, affordable housing, youth and immigrant opportunities, support for those with disabilities and many others.

Many try and help, financially or through volunteerism. Our many non-profit organizations do excellent work to try to make a difference.

We can all contribute by being empathetic. Remember there are many in our community who need support — your neighbours, colleagues, friends at school and family members. Showing empathy for others is a good place to start.