Friday, December 9, 2011

Halton Federal Liberal Association

Annual General Meeting and Elections - Dec. 8th - Fogolars Golf Club, Lower Base Line, Milton.

I am excited to report that I was the successful candidate for V.P. Membership.  I am really looking forward to this next phase.

The caliber of the candidate list was excellent - it's a shame that there have to be 'winners' and 'losers'.  It's my fervent hope that we will all come together for the good of the party and its members.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Halton Federal Liberal Association

The HFLA elections to the board are coming up this week - Dec 8.  I'm running for the position of V.P. Membership.

There are a lot of Liberals out there but they're not engaged.  Not surprising given the lack of direction within the party.  We must engage people at the grass roots level - really listen, give them a reason to believe that what they have to say is important.  And that feeling must be funneled up throughout the entire organization.

If you are a Liberal member as of 5pm, December 1, please come out to the Annual General Meeting.
DATE OF MEETING: Thursday, December 8, 2011
ADDRESS: Fogolars Country Club
2026 Lower Base Line Milton, ON L6M 4E8